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Preparation of strengthened respectively, rubber foam, untreated short fiber reinforced rubber foam and preprocessing of short fiber reinforced rubber foam, gas bubble hole and short fibers in the microstructure of rubber foam in the complex, mesoscopic analysis of short fiber on the tensile behavior of rubber foam composite material and the action mechanism of each stage of compression behavior process. The results show that the gas bubble hole in three kinds of foamed composites matrix of uniform distribution, moulding process makes the short fibers in the matrix appears as the plane distribution, surrounded by untreated short fiber around the bubble, and pretreatment of good adhesion between short fiber and rubber; Short fibers can effectively improve the foaming composite materials in the initial stage of the tensile modulus and 100% stretch stress, especially the pretreatment with good adhesion between short fiber and rubber surface, conducive to transfer stress and limit the deformation of the rubber matrix and the tensile strength has little influence.
In elastic stage, because is mainly for the bubble wall of fibers were plane orientation, short fiber influence on compression modulus is not big, but can effectively limit the rubber foaming composite materials in the stage of compression buckling deformation, improve the compression strength under high strain, pretreatment of short fiber reinforced effect is significantly higher than the untreated short fiber.
2016/06/30 02:38:03 522 次

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